Place Material Faster and Farther — Save Time, Money and Labor!

Moving materials on your job site by hand or skid steer can be costly and time-consuming. That's why we're excited to offer the dirt slinger! This remote-controlled vehicle uses a high-speed conveyor to accurately propel and spread black dirt, sand, gravel, and small aggregates up to 50 feet.

Dirt Slinger takes less time

Q: What materials can the dirt slinger move?

A: The dirt slinger can move a variety of gravel, sand, soil and 1 1/2 inch-minus aggregates.

Q: Can one worker operate the truck and place the material?

A: Yes, the dirt slinger can be remotely operated, allowing our truck driver to leave the vehicle and operate the slinger from anywhere on your job site.

Q: What is the capacity of your slinger truck?

A: The dirt slinger can transport up to 10 yards of material.

Q: How far away can the material be placed?

A: Depending on the material being placed, the dirt slinger can distribute material up 50 feet beyond the conveyor.

Q: How much does it cost to add the dirt slinger to my order?

A: Like all of our deliveries, pricing will be dependent on the product being delivered and the location of your project. Customers will be billed for the product and the number of “portal to portal” hours the dirt slinger is in use.

Add the Dirt Slinger to your next order.

Call 218-746-3355

Dirt Slinger